1 room for rent!
Available # Month 202#.
Quick facts:
Room for rent: 1 person // open starting ### 01, 2021 // 2 blocks from Seattle U (14th & Marion) // $$$$ month (utilities included) // 2 dogs on premises already; no additional pets.
Not very physically accessible. 3 steps to front door and flight of stairs up to room and bathroom. Front door stairs have no handrail; interior stairs have a handrail 75% of the way.
House has # other human tenants.
Cost at move-in would be the rent for the month and a $500 refundable security deposit.
Smoking outside only. Currently not a sober house. Currently a smoke-free but not a scent-free house.
Two blocks away from the 2. Three blocks from the 12, 3, and 4. Five blocks from the 63, 64, 193, and 303. Fifteen minute walk to the Capitol Hill light rail station.
Moderate amount of noise (near construction sites; occasional music and gaming during the evening; near an arterial street; and bar crowds in non-COVID times; dogs barking).
I am essentially a live-in property manager, so there are slightly different rules governing the rental than you may be used to if you’ve lived in commercial units (mostly around evictions, which we’ve never needed to do). All of us are on separate, month-to-month leases that cover all rights, responsibilities, and expectations, and I’ll be happy to send this to anyone who would like to view it in advance!
Chat with me on Facebook (@belroiz) or email sabel@roizen.com!
I’d love to know…
your name and pronouns
move-in date desired
favourite music/bands/genres, if desired
any other info you’d like to share about you as a housemate
any questions or concerns!
COVID rental process
Step 1: Connect over email/chat.
Step 2: Schedule a Zoom/FaceTime tour.
Step 3: Masked tour available if desired.
Step 4: Offer & lease signing.
Furniture is no longer accurate. Window faces west.
The door on the right is the closet door.
Click for floor-plan (not to scale).
Shared bathroom with 2 other people (furniture has been replaced). 1 person only uses this as a shower; the other uses it as primary bathroom.
The room!
Smallest room with single, west-facing window. Wood floors, slightly squeaky. There is a walk-in (small) closet. **Room is up a flight of stairs with a handrail most of the way but not entirely.**
Our ideal housemate:
Knows how to recycle and is chill! We don't really party beyond hosting small game nights. Must be queer-friendly and vegan-friendly.
We are:
Majority queer. I'm vegan; the other two are occasional meat-eaters and lactose-intolerant+/-. I go by they/them pronouns exclusively and both other housemates go by she/they.
We have a driveway that can fit three cars, and we are eligible for 4 free RPZ passes (street parking). We have one car already. Street parking is usually ample.
I have a seventy-pound retriever mix and a fifty-pound highly miscellaneous mutt. They mostly stay downstairs with me, so you don’t have to interact with them much if you don’t want to. However, you will hear them as one is quite talkative sometimes.
We have someone with a cat allergy and cannot consider a cat at this time. If they move out, we would be open to a cat.
Shared spaces:
Entryway, kitchen, media room, dining room, living room, garage, front yard, bathroom. Free laundry on site in the basement (which is where I live, so ideally laundry is done between 10 a.m. and 10 p.m. — dogs present). The back yard is not included in the common spaces and is reserved for me and the dogs — it’s better for everyone that way! The front yard is open to the street with some room for growing things if desired. Our garage has extra room for storage if needed, though items must be covered as we do use the garage for crafts/painting/etc.
Dining room.
Living room/office.
Media room.
Back yard.